Worcester District Information

Worcester School District

The city of Worcester is located in central Massachusetts. The Worcester Public School is made up of 44 schools, serves grades pre-K through 12th grade, and supports 23,986 students. 100% of classrooms are online as of May 18th, 2021, and have a 14.2 to 1 student/teacher ratio. Worcester also has a 88% college enrollment rate based on graduating high school seniors, and according to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Worcester Public Schools are making "substantial progress towards progress" and do not require state intervention. Worcester Public Schools is also labeled as a high-needs school district and receives title 1 funding for some of their schools.

Student Demographics - 2020

Worcester Public Schools: Student Race, Ethnicity, & Selected Population Breakdown

Massachusetts: Student Race, Ethnicity, & Selected Population Breakdown

Worcester Public Schools (WPS) has a higher than average enrollment of students who identify as African American, Hispanic, and multi-race / non-Hispanic in comparison to Massachusetts student demographics. WPS also has significantly higher rates of first language not English, English language learners, students with disabilities, high needs, and economically disadvantaged students than the state average. Worcester Public Schools also has a slightly lower graduation rate of 87% in comparison to the state's average rate of 89%. WPS serves a diverse population of students and families and promised to prove rich learning experiences to all students. Academic excellence is a priority and Worcester strives in educating all aspected of their students via "high achievement for each student, rigorous, relevant activities, social-emotional learning, family and community involvement, access to advanced opportunities, and interventions and supports" (Worcester Public Schools, Massachusetts (n) – From Here, Anywhere, n.d.).