Safe Learning Environment

What is a Safe Learning Environment

Safe Learning Environment is one of the seven essential elements of CAP and is a part of the second standard "Teaching All Students". 

Element: 2.B.1: Safe Learning Environment 

Proficient Descriptor: "Uses rituals, routines, and appropriate responses that create and maintain a safe physical and intellectual environment where students take academic risks and most behaviors that interfere with learning are prevented"(Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) - Educator Preparation, n.d.).

Establishing a Safe Learning Environment...

Creating a safe and caring learning environment is one of the most crucial factors for genuine learning. When students feel safe, comfortable, and cared for in the classroom, they are more likely to perform at their best. Personalizing the material and aligning it with their goals also enhances their performance. Additionally, fostering self-reflection and self-assessment skills helps students think more clearly and achieve their potential.

High school is a critical period in a student's life where they are discovering their identity, aspirations, and facing various challenges. Teaching extends beyond delivering content; it involves being a mentor and providing support. Social-emotional learning is a topic of great importance to me. I firmly believe that when students feel accepted and understand themselves and others, they have the potential to succeed. From day one, I emphasized that my classroom was a safe space for students to grow socially, emotionally, and academically, even with room for making mistakes along the way.

To establish this environment, I took the time to get to know my students. I would inquire about their interests, make notes about each student, engage in casual conversations about their activities, and even discuss their favorite foods. I also shared personal aspects of my own life and experiences, including my culture, origins, pronouns, sexual orientation, and love for science. By placing myself in a vulnerable position, I aimed to demonstrate that it was acceptable for students to be their authentic selves. I openly discussed my concerns about COVID-19 and the measures I implemented in the classroom to ensure their success. I made it explicitly clear that our classroom upheld socially acceptable behavior, emphasizing the importance of supportive and kind language.

To enhance student engagement and foster a sense of belonging, I dedicated specific class periods or Fridays to focus on social-emotional skills. I would inquire about their well-being before starting the class, and some "do now" activities revolved around appreciating classmates or discussing events in their lives. When time allowed, I guided students on cooperation, respectful communication of ideas, and self-assessment of their socioemotional status.

Navigating the challenges of attending school during COVID-19 was not easy. I made a point to discuss COVID-19 and its relevance to the unit we were studying. I assured students that their interests mattered in our class. Allowing them to express their feelings and interests made the course more relatable and cohesive. Sometimes, a simple five-minute discussion about themselves would set the stage for an engaging lesson.

Furthermore, I firmly believe that culturally responsive teaching is vital for student success and creating a safe learning environment. Click here to view that section of my e-portfolio. 

Evidence - Save Learning Environments 

Classroom Policies & Activities

Honors: 9th Grade Biology Syllabus

Honors 9th Grade Biology Syllabus.pdf

Social-Emotional Learning Activity Lesson

Conscience Coffee Hour

Second Chance Learning Policy


Sample Farewell Messeges to Mr. Pacheco

Dear Mr. Pacheco, 

Thank you for teaching through these rough weeks of online school. It’s been really hard  and stressful because of the MCAS and I thought that learning wouldn’t be the same because it’s online. You’ve had many different teaching strategies that have helped me improve in some parts that I struggle with. I have gained a lot of knowledge and confidence from you teaching us! :)

Dear Mr. Pacheco, 

Thank you for the time you spent with us, I personally thought it was fun and enjoyed every class. I hope that you do become stay a great science teacher. 

Thank you and best of wishes,

Dear Mr. Pacheco, 

For the couple of months that you were able to teach us, I felt that this was probably the best year in science that I had!  You made subjects easy to understand and always had videos or other ways to help explain it better. The projects that you gave us were fun as well as the kahoots and escape rooms. I hope you enjoy your teaching career and impact many people's lives :) 

 Your student

Dear Mr. Pacheco, 

Thank you so much for being who you are and letting us see you as your true self. During this year I had a very hard time believing in myself and you helped me realize that I can do anything I put my mind to. I feel like I know you as a teacher and a friend. So thank you for believing in me. I will never forget you and when I do make it big one day for acting of marine biology it will be because of you who believed in me. This is not the end, even if we never see each other again I will always be with you. I am so proud of you I know you are an amazing teacher and I wish you the best!

Dear Mr. Pacheco, 

It was fun having you as our student-teacher. Even though this year did not go the way we all wanted it to go, I appreciate you making the class as fun and as interesting as you could. You didn't have to go out of your way to teach us strategies to do good in the MCAS, but you did it anyway which shows that you are a good teacher who is dedicated to your students. You are a good teacher and a good person I hope that your future students will appreciate how good of a teacher you are.

Program Supervisor & Supervising Practitioner Feedback

Announced Observation 1: 

"Paul establishes norms and routines that provide structure, high expectations for the students while reiterating the support he will provide. He has established routines that ensure ALL students are participating while feeling safe, encouraged, and confident."

Unannounced Observation 1: 

"Paul has fostered wonderful rapport with the students. He is very aware of the social-emotional needs of the students and adapts all lessons and assignments for the unique and diverse needs of our students. 

Students easily chat within the classroom. In small groups, they will unmute and conversations are relaxed and on task. A climate of mutual respect for all exists in both situations."

Announced Observation 2:

"Paul has gone above and beyond to create a safe learning environment that supports the social-emotional needs of students, allows for opportunities for growth, and has even been supportive of their executive functioning skills. Students are very comfortable communicating with Paul, his rapport is natural and appropriate." 

Unannounced Observation 2:

"Mr. Pacheco has developed norms and routines that support student learning and students' sense of comfortability in participating and asking questions. He has consistently focused on the social-emotional health of the student which fosters a supporting and inclusive and safe"

Formative Assessment Evidence:

"Paul has gone above and beyond to create a safe learning environment that supports the social-emotional needs of students, allows for opportunities for growth, and has even been supportive of their executive functioning skills. Students are very comfortable communicating with Paul, his rapport is natural and appropriate."