High Expectations

What are High Expectations 

High Expectations one of the seven essential elements of CAP and is a part of the second standard "Teaching All Students". 

Element: 2.E.1: High Expectations 

Proficient Descriptor: "Clearly communicates high standards for student work, effort, and behavior, and consistently reinforces the expectation that all students can meet these standards through effective effort, rather than innate ability" (Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) - Educator Preparation, n.d.).

High Expectations in the Classroom

During my student-teaching experience, setting high expectations was one of the most significant challenges I encountered. It is undeniable that COVID-19 has diminished everyone's motivation and determination to finish the year strongly. However, when students feel believed in and supported, they can achieve what they initially perceived as impossible. When I first began teaching, I had numerous students who lacked confidence and felt defeated. In response, I conveyed to them that our successes do not define us, but rather, it is the challenges we overcome on our journey to success that truly shape us. I shared personal stories of the difficulties I faced during my college journey and becoming a student teacher. These stories, particularly as a first-generation gay Latino college student in STEM, resonated with many students and motivated them to strive harder. I made it abundantly clear that failure was not an option in my class, and I assured them that I would do everything in my power to support them. However, my top priority was always ensuring that my students felt heard, comfortable, and supported. I achieved this through various means such as classroom policies, assignments, and social-emotional learning activities, all of which incorporated high expectations.

In my classroom policies, I included sections outlining general grading policies, specific COVID-19 grading policies, resubmission guidelines, second-chance learning opportunities, and learning expectations during the pandemic. When assigning homework and projects, I provided clear rubrics and checklists to inform students of my expectations and the corresponding grades they could anticipate based on their work. During social-emotional learning activities, we engaged in discussions about the meaning of success. We shared our individual goals and offered words of advice and affirmation to support one another in achieving those goals.

Setting clear and high expectations was crucial in establishing a close-knit community where mutual support flourished.

Evidence - High Expectations

Social-Emotional Learning Lesson, Assignment, and Policy Examples

What Does Success Look Like

Rubric and Checklist Examples 

Project Escape Earth - Ecosystems

Class Expectations

Honors 9th Grade Biology Syllabus.docx

Program Supervisor & Supervising Practitioner Feedback

Announced Observation 1: 

"Paul communicates his high expectations and clear daily objectives. Paul expects all students to succeed but understands that it will not always be the case.  

He is intentional in being sure that they stay involved in the class with constant interaction with questions, writing, polls, and discussions.  He is also tracking their participation and will call on them if they seem to fade away. are receptive and are working hard to achieve and meet these expectations." 

Unannounced Observation 1: 

"Paul provides clear expectations, clear grading policies, and a positive and supportive voice that encourages and rewards students. 

Paul has expectations and is disappointed when students do not succeed. He encourages success by classroom design and rewards it appropriately.

The group who escaped first would have 3 bonus points they could add to any grade, the second would get 2 and everyone who completed would get 1 bonus point.  This was in addition to a grade on the activity."

Announced Observation 2:

"Paul consistently sets high expectations for his honors-level students. He communicates his expectations. He motivates them and supports a growth mindset. 

All students are expected to succeed and he will wait until they are ready."

Unannounced Observation 2:

"Mr. Pacheco prioritizes setting high expectations in his class. Frequent reminders and opportunities for learning are embedded in all his classes. Mr. Pacheco has also prioritized participation which is exceptionally challenging in a remote/hybrid setting."

Formative Assessment Evidence:

"Paul consistently sets high expectations for his honors-level students. He communicates his expectations. He motivates them and supports a growth mindset. 

All students are expected to succeed and he will wait until they are ready."